Local SJC not found on a Mac

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    “Local SJC not found – make sure to run the latest SJC200828 and/or probably try a
    different browser (e.g. Safari is not supported). Hit ‘OK’ to use your own fast-music-box (FMB)
    or ‘CANCEL’ to enter another FMB’s ID”

    I own a mac. OS is 10.13.6 with an intel processor.

    I launch SJC2000828…
    then I launch the latest version of Chrome for a Mac Version 87.0.4280.67
    I navigate to the SJC web site and immediately this above message appears.

    I want to use my Audiobox USB96 for connection to my mic, guitar and headphone
    but I cannot because it will not appear as an input and output option on the left hand side of the
    SJC webpage.

    really not sure what is going on because others with similar configs are not getting the
    error message.
    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Leon from San Diego


    Hej, please send a screenshot which might give further info. Theoretically it should work unless you blocked TCP port 1234 (which would be the only explanation at the moment).


    Got the same problem…

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