Can not open in the Mac

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    I need some help install the software.

    I downloaded Mac OS version (OS 10.15 down to 10.13). When I open the file there are two icons (the application and SJC201112. I dragged the SJC201112 to the application and it was installed.

    However, when I click to open the software, it shows that “SJC201112” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified. I only had two options:”move into trash” or “cancel.”

    Anyone encountered this problem? Please help! Thank you!


    Cancel, open the system preferences and go to security.
    For a short time period after trying to start the program you can allow to run the program there.
    Another solution is start with a right-klick on the


    My Catalina updated OS is 10.15.7 dowloaded software is listed as working with 10.15 I think this a is the problem. Maybe we just have to wait for Soundjack to update. Another reason to stay with Mohave. I had no choice sinnce I had to buy a new Mac. Some of my hardware and software had to be replaced. CATALINA SUCKS

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