Reply To: Linux – Start breaks


These were the only two libraries I needed to install to get it running on Ubuntu 20.04

sudo apt-get install libqt5websockets5
sudo apt-get install libqt5multimediawidgets5

Here’s an essential tip for finding the exact name of the library you’re looking to install using apt:

When you get an error message like this:

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

You know that you need to install this somehow, but the problem is, it’s not named exactly “” in the repository. So,

apt-get install

will fail.

>apt list will show you all the packages available in your current repositories. You can pipe it to grep to filter.

grep -i libQt5WebSockets. The -i is case-insensitive.

On my machine:

❯ apt list | grep -i 'libQt5WebS'

libqt5websockets5-dev/focal 5.12.8-0ubuntu1 amd64
libqt5websockets5-dev/focal 5.12.8-0ubuntu1 i386
libqt5websockets5/focal,now 5.12.8-0ubuntu1 amd64 [installed]
libqt5websockets5/focal 5.12.8-0ubuntu1 i386

So now I know I need to apt-get install libqt5websockets5.

Once I’ve done this, I try to run the shell script that launches soundjack. If I have more libraries to install, it’ll tell me the next one, and I have to search for it like I did above.