Reply To: Starlink
I’m not the right person to ask (I don’t have a FMB and don’t use Starlink), but maybe I can help a bit.
First I cannot help you by giving exact instructions to solve your problem and Symonics cannot either.
Unfortunately I’m pretty sure that even if that problem could be solved you would be unhappy with the results.
StarLink is a satellite-based internet provider. That means that the signal needs to go from the ground of earth up to the satellite and back to earth. This is a really long way and introduces a rather large delay for the data transmitted. Too much for SoundJack I assume. Satellite based telephone calls have a noticeable delay and that is mainly caused by the large distance. Also TV programs transmitted via satellite are delayed against the same program when it got transmitted by cable or local radio. I think about one second delay maybe something between half a second or two seconds, but a lot too much delay for musical collaboration. (Even in video conferences might recognize a noticable extra delay when you talk to others.)
So that’s the bad news. You can check that by pinging your provider or any other pingable host close to your location. If all get larger than 40 ms, then forget Starlink for SoundJack. It saves you a lot of work that will disappoint you afterwards.
The transmission rate might be high, but also highly delayed and this is exactly what you don’t want for SoundJack. A lower transmission rate (in both directions at least 1 MBit, more is probably needed for more than one peer) is not too bad if the ping times to the provider and your peers is low.
But back to your problem:
A DNS-server should be able to answer IP-address or DNS-name for the FMB. This is usually done in the router. As you see in the two examples in the Symonics help, that can be very differently named and handled in different routers. You do not need to use the DNS-server of the router, you can use a seperate DNS-server on your internal network (maybe that one needs to be reachable from the outside, I’m not sure about that). The DNS-server needs to know the DNS-name and IP-address of the FMB to resolve requests. But setting up a DNS-server is not trivial (I have done it on NextStep/Unix and MacOS X server which is a bit easier).
So better check the ping and if it is too slow, forget to use SoundJack with a Starlink connection.
It would be nice if you would post your ping values here, so that others can directly see if StarLink is an option or not.