Reply To: SoundJack Stage Enhancements
One scenario that may provide a challenge is one where you have made connections and then use the search criteria to find other users to connect to.
Say you are connected to a keyboardist and that is what you have initially searched for, and now you want to expand your connections to have a saxophonist join you, so you set the search criteria for saxophonists that might respond positively to your query. What happens to the listing display? You display must still contain all the users that you are currently connected to and then all the successful search results. Does your list re-order itself in order to maintain current connections?
One possible solution might be, in this case, where you have executed a new search to have the list now act somewhat like the private room, which shows your current connections at the top. Here, a search would always result in active connections appearing at the top of the page. So your initial listing, when first log on shows everyone by default. If you make a connection on this first listing and then do a search, the refresh would maintain that connection and display it at the top followed by the list of users that satisfy the search conditions.